Sunday, April 17, 2011


What do people think about dreams in general? It would be very interesting for me to research this and write a paper on the view of the common people as well as the scientific view in my country or worldwide (I know there are such studies and books already written). Some of my friends find dreams (I'm talking about the dreams that occur at night, while we sleep) very interesting and read theories about them, other friends think of them as signs or premonitions while the others think of them as mere dreams, not really worth analyzing. I find them intriguing. They are like messengers who give us riddles and in order to solve them we have to look for deeper meanings in ourselves and around us. Nothing is random and everything has its purpose in dreams. There are symbols, ciphers, pieces that you'd rarely think of while awake and they guide you through another world: the inner you. I should have read more, but I guess I like to imagine things, to come to my own conclusions and only then can I read and compare my thoughts with established theories. So, now, maybe Freud won't have to wait that long for me to read his book...and I'll stop pretending to be all-knowing.

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